Surprising Varieties in Substance Abuse Treatment Methods

If you are looking into drug addiction and substance abuse treatment for a loved one, you may be surprised at the variety of options available in terms of substance abuse treatment methods. When you have a loved one suffering from a substance abuse problem, you are likely willing to go the extra mile to try to get them the help that they need to overcome their addiction. While you certainly cannot force them to go to treatment or to commit to their recovery, there are steps that you can take to encourage them to seek out treatment.

If you have already tried to approach your loved one about their addiction, you may have been met with serious resistance and one of their arguments may be that addiction treatment is just not right for them. However, they likely based this argument on the assumption that all addiction treatment is like what you see in the movies. In order to better handle the discussion with your loved one the next time around, you should explore the varieties available in substance abuse treatment methods so you can better explain to them that there are treatments that can and will help them overcome their addiction.

12-Step Recovery Treatment Programs

The most well-known and recognized addiction treatment program is known as the 12-Step Program or the 12 Steps of Recovery. This treatment method follows a specific series of 12 different steps that a recovering addict is to follow sequentially to confront and deal with their addiction. Some of these steps include admitting that they have a problem, taking back control of their life, and making amends to the people they have harmed through their substance abuse (among several others).

The 12-Step Recovery Program does rely heavily on the Christian faith. However, not all people who go through these treatment programs are Christians and they can still benefit from much of what a 12-step program has to offer. However, the religious element can be a problem for some people that are adamant about their own faith or do not covet a religious god. For this reason, there are numerous other treatment options available.

Contingency Management Treatment Programs

Another form of addiction treatment that is used in many treatment and rehab centers is known as contingency management treatment. Contingency management is a form of incentive-based addiction treatment. It is used for a variety of addiction types including opioids (both prescription and illegal), alcohol, stimulants, marijuana, and even nicotine. Essentially, contingency management offers recovering addicts tangible rewards or incentives for reaching certain milestones or completing certain requirements of their treatment program.

The rewards or incentive encourage and reinforce positive behaviors. Incentive-based therapies are successful and useful for many reasons. Firstly, people who develop a substance abuse problem or addiction have grown accustomed to a lifestyle of instant gratification. When they use a drug or consume alcohol, they get an immediate sensation in their brain and body and with that sensation now gone, it can be difficult to get themselves motivated, particularly if the rewards or benefits are intangible or are not available immediately. This is where contingency management treatment comes in handy. The use of tangible rewards will give the recovering addict a similar chemical reaction in their brain to the reaction that occurred when they consumed the drug they are addicted to. By associating this chemical reaction with abstinence or meeting recovery milestones, the brain is getting reprogrammed.

Additionally, the emphasis on positive rather than negative reinforcement is beneficial to recovering addicts. Negative reinforcement functions to tear down a person's habits or to take something away from them. This creates a sense of frustration and resistance among recovering addicts. Positive reinforcement, on the other hand, helps to build positive associations and helps to develop motivation rather than resistance and resentment.

Family Behavior Therapy

Family behavior therapy is another treatment option that is available in many addiction treatment programs. When a person develops an addiction, their family members are also affected by the condition. If the person with an addiction is a teen, their parents may suffer relationship strain with their child, siblings may be adversely affected, and dysfunctional relationships can develop. On the other hand, an adult addict can become verbally or physically abusive to spouses and children when they are abusing drugs or alcohol, and can become distant or strained in their relationships with family members.

Rebuilding familial relationships is important in the addiction recovery process. Family behavior therapy can help with those issues and more. Not only will family behavior therapy help a recovering addict to make amends with family members and regain their trust, but it will help to rework family dynamics to ensure that the nuclear family unit forms a strong support system when the recovering addict returns to the home environment.

These substance abuse treatment methods can help you to give your loved one the treatment option information they need to get them into a program and on the path towards recovery.

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